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舊 2006-06-04, 12:22 AM
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註冊日期: 2006-04-01
文章: 27
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Popunder payout rate, prices are in USD. 
 Country  Rate (USD)  
 United Kingdom  $1.80  
 United States  $1.80  
 Canada  $1.30  
 Australia  $0.90  
 Japan  $0.50  
 Denmark  $0.50  
 Austria  $0.50  
 France  $0.50  
 Norway  $0.50  
 Nepal  $0.35  
 Niue  $0.35  
 Oman  $0.35  
 New Zealand  $0.35  
 Nauru  $0.35  
 Netherlands  $0.35  
 Norfolk Island  $0.35  
 Niger  $0.35  
 Paraguay  $0.35  
 Nigeria  $0.35  
 Nicaragua  $0.35  
 Palau  $0.35  
 French Polynesia  $0.35  
 Poland  $0.35  
 Pakistan  $0.35  
 Saint Pierre and Miquelon  $0.35  
 Pitcairn  $0.35  
 Puerto Rico  $0.35  
 Philippines  $0.35  
 Portugal  $0.35  
 Peru  $0.35  
 Palestinian Territory, Occupied  $0.35  
 Papua New Guinea  $0.35  
 New Caledonia  $0.35  
 Panama  $0.35  
 Malaysia  $0.35  
 Monaco  $0.35  
 Morocco  $0.35  
 Moldova, Republic of  $0.35  
 Madagascar  $0.35  
 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of  $0.35  
 Marshall Islands  $0.35  
 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  $0.35  
 Latvia  $0.35  
 Sri Lanka  $0.35  
 Liechtenstein  $0.35  
 Liberia  $0.35  
 Lesotho  $0.35  
 Luxembourg  $0.35  
 Lithuania  $0.35  
 Mali  $0.35  
 Myanmar  $0.35  
 Maldives  $0.35  
 Mauritius  $0.35  
 Malawi  $0.35  
 Mexico  $0.35  
 Mozambique  $0.35  
 Qatar  $0.35  
 Malta  $0.35  
 Montserrat  $0.35  
 Macau  $0.35  
 Mongolia  $0.35  
 Northern Mariana Islands  $0.35  
 Martinique  $0.35  
 Mauritania  $0.35  
 Namibia  $0.35  
 Russian Federation  $0.35  
 Uganda  $0.35  
 Ukraine  $0.35  
 United States Minor Outlying Islands  $0.35  
 Uruguay  $0.35  
 Holy See (Vatican City State)  $0.35  
 Uzbekistan  $0.35  
 Tanzania, United Republic of  $0.35  
 Tuvalu  $0.35  
 Tonga  $0.35  
 Tunisia  $0.35  
 East Timor  $0.35  
 Turkey  $0.35  
 Trinidad and Tobago  $0.35  
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  $0.35  
 Venezuela  $0.35  
 Yugoslavia  $0.35  
 Mayotte  $0.35  
 South Africa  $0.35  
 Zambia  $0.35  
 Zimbabwe  $0.35  
 Zaire  $0.35  
 Yemen  $0.35  
 Samoa  $0.35  
 Virgin Islands, U.S.  $0.35  
 Virgin Islands, British  $0.35  
 Vietnam  $0.35  
 Vanuatu  $0.35  
 Wallis and Futuna  $0.35  
 Turkmenistan  $0.35  
 Tokelau  $0.35  
 Singapore  $0.35  
 Sweden  $0.35  
 Saint Helena  $0.35  
 Slovenia  $0.35  
 Slovakia  $0.35  
 Svalbard and Jan Mayen  $0.35  
 Sudan  $0.35  
 Seychelles  $0.35  
 Saint Lucia  $0.35  
 Romania  $0.35  
 Rwanda  $0.35  
 Saudi Arabia  $0.35  
 Solomon Islands  $0.35  
 Sierra Leone  $0.35  
 San Marino  $0.35  
 Chad  $0.35  
 Turks and Caicos Islands  $0.35  
 French Southern Territories  $0.35  
 Togo  $0.35  
 Tajikistan  $0.35  
 Thailand  $0.35  
 Swaziland  $0.35  
 Syrian Arab Republic  $0.35  
 Somalia  $0.35  
 Senegal  $0.35  
 Suriname  $0.35  
 Sao Tome and Principe  $0.35  
 El Salvador  $0.35  
 Reunion  $0.35  
 Cayman Islands  $0.35  
 Central African Republic  $0.35  
 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the  $0.35  
 Congo  $0.35  
 Switzerland  $0.35  
 Cook Islands  $0.35  
 Cote D'Ivoire  $0.35  
 Cocos (Keeling) Islands  $0.35  
 Belize  $0.35  
 Bhutan  $0.35  
 Bahamas  $0.35  
 Bouvet Island  $0.35  
 Botswana  $0.35  
 Belarus  $0.35  
 Chile  $0.35  
 Cameroon  $0.35  
 Djibouti  $0.35  
 Germany  $0.35  
 Dominica  $0.35  
 Dominican Republic  $0.35  
 Ecuador  $0.35  
 Algeria  $0.35  
 Czech Republic  $0.35  
 Cyprus  $0.35  
 Costa Rica  $0.35  
 Colombia  $0.35  
 Cuba  $0.35  
 Cape Verde  $0.35  
 Christmas Island  $0.35  
 Brazil  $0.35  
 Bolivia  $0.35  
 Armenia  $0.35  
 Albania  $0.35  
 Netherlands Antilles  $0.35  
 Angola  $0.35  
 Argentina  $0.35  
 Antarctica  $0.35  
 Anguilla  $0.35  
 Antigua and Barbuda  $0.35  
 Europe  $0.35  
 Asia/Pacific Region  $0.35  
 Andorra  $0.35  
 United Arab Emirates  $0.35  
 Afghanistan  $0.35  
 American Samoa  $0.35  
 Aruba  $0.35  
 Burundi  $0.35  
 Bahrain  $0.35  
 Benin  $0.35  
 Bermuda  $0.35  
 Brunei Darussalam  $0.35  
 Bulgaria  $0.35  
 Burkina Faso  $0.35  
 Bosnia and Herzegovina  $0.35  
 Azerbaijan  $0.35  
 Barbados  $0.35  
 Bangladesh  $0.35  
 Belgium  $0.35  
 Lebanon  $0.35  
 Estonia  $0.35  
 Ireland  $0.35  
 Indonesia  $0.35  
 Israel  $0.35  
 India  $0.35  
 Iraq  $0.35  
 British Indian Ocean Territory  $0.35  
 Kazakstan  $0.35  
 Hungary  $0.35  
 Heard Island and McDonald Islands  $0.35  
 Egypt  $0.35  
 Honduras  $0.35  
 Croatia  $0.35  
 Haiti  $0.35  
 Iran, Islamic Republic of  $0.35  
 Iceland  $0.35  
 Saint Kitts and Nevis  $0.35  
 Comoros  $0.35  
 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of  $0.35  
 Korea, Republic of  $0.35  
 Kuwait  $0.35  
 Kiribati  $0.35  
 Cambodia  $0.35  
 Jamaica  $0.35  
 Italy  $0.35  
 Jordan  $0.35  
 Kenya  $0.35  
 Kyrgyzstan  $0.35  
 Guyana  $0.35  
 Guinea-Bissau  $0.35  
 Faroe Islands  $0.35  
 Micronesia, Federated States of  $0.35  
 France, Metropolitan  $0.35  
 Gabon  $0.35  
 Grenada  $0.35  
 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)  $0.35  
 Fiji  $0.35  
 Eritrea  $0.35  
 Western Sahara  $0.35  
 Spain  $0.35  
 Ethiopia  $0.35  
 Finland  $0.35  
 Lao People's Democratic Republic  $0.35  
 Georgia  $0.35  
 Greece  $0.35  
 Equatorial Guinea  $0.35  
 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands  $0.35  
 Guatemala  $0.35  
 Guam  $0.35  
 Guadeloupe  $0.35  
 Guinea  $0.35  
 Ghana  $0.35  
 French Guiana  $0.35  
 Gibraltar  $0.35  
 Greenland  $0.35  
 Gambia  $0.35  
 Others  $0.35  
 Hong Kong  $0.30  
 Taiwan, Province of China  $0.30  
 China  $0.25  

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