現在,當您瀏覽一篇被隱藏的文章時(如: 該文被軟刪除或者是在您的排除名單中)可以立即瀏覽而不需要重新整理頁面。在之前的版本,點選「瀏覽文章」會跳出視窗顯示該隱藏內容。但在 3.6 系統會使用 AJAX 直接載入而不需重新整理。
Following popular demand, support for CCBill as a payment processor has been integrated into the paid subscriptions system, allowing a greater number of sites to leverage the abilities of vBulletin paid subscriptions.
大多數人已經發覺這個新功能。類似於 Email,BCC (blind carbon-copy, 密件副本) 可以讓您對收件者隱藏完整寄件清單。在之前 vBulletin 的版本中,「接收人使用者名稱:」欄位類似於 BBC 功能。但現在該欄位則改為與 Email 相同之功能,意即所有收件者都會看到該欄位中的所有收件者清單。
Podcasting(播客) 意即透過 RSS 傳遞多媒體檔案的意思。vBulletin 3.6 支援透過內建 RSS podcasting 附加檔案。此系統可以針對各個討論版設定。
Flood checking for posting and emailing was rewritten to avoid the possibility of a race condition which allowed a small window where the check could be bypassed. The check is now fully atomic to ensure only one post or email per user can get through at a time.
The isbannedgroup permission is now known as isnotbannedgroup. This was done to be consistent with the rest of our permissions; a “yes” means more permission than a “no”. This also prevents cases where unexpected behaviour could occur when a user was in multiple groups with one group being considered a banned group.