Thank you for your interest in Clicksor.com.It is unfortunate to inform you that your website \'http://www.hoount.com/\' has been suspended because you did NOT meet our requirements.
You must meet ALL the following requirements to be approved:
1 - Site must be professional design and contain quality contents.
2 - Traffic volume must be at least 50% from Canada, United States, and United Kingdom.
We DO NOT approve websites having the following:
1 - Offensive language, and child pornography.
2 - Illegal mp3, warez, hacking, cracking, and phreaking.
3 - Free hosting websites (e.g. Geocities, Tripod, and Xoom)
4 - Website contains multiple of popup windows, or duplicated URLs.
5 - Website contains some non-English contents, or is a non-English site.
6 - Website is under construction, or a personal homepage.
For more detail information, please read our Publisher Agreement at
If you feel that your application has been denied in error, please contact us immediately at
review@clicksor.com. Note: You must include the URL of your website in question.
Review Team
謝謝您的興趣在Clicksor.com.It 是不幸的通知您, 您網站\'http://www.hoount.com/\ ' 暫停了因為您沒有符合我們的要求。
您必須符合所有以下要求被批准: 1 - 站點必須是專業設計和包含質量內容。2 - 話務量必須是至少50% 從加拿大、美國, 和英國。
我們不批准網站有以下: 1 - 進攻語言, 和兒童色情。2 - 非法MP3, warez, 亂砍, 崩裂, 和phreaking 。3 - 自由主持的網站(即Geocities, 三腳架, 和Xoom) 4 - 網站包含popup 窗口的倍數, 或被複製的URLs 。5 - 網站包含一些非英國內容, 或是非英國站點。6 - 網站是建設中, 或個人主頁。對於更多細節資訊, 請讀我們的出版者協議在
如果您認為您的應用denied 錯誤, 立刻請與我們聯繫在review@clicksor.com 。注: 您必須包括您的網站URL 在考慮中。