查看完整版本 : 好消息:The best Adsense alternative is adsense itself!

2007-03-21, 09:26 AM
我剛剛接到Inside Adsense Team 所發的E-mail:
Many of you already use referrals to direct users to your favorite Google products. Now, with our new referrals beta, you can select products and services from our base of AdWords advertisers. This is good news for those of you who have wanted to use referrals in the past, but couldn't find a product to match your site's content. With the referrals beta, you can search for products that match up directly with your site's content. And you can customize your referral units to match the look and feel of your site, making it easier than ever to find a referral ad that fits in seamlessly with your site's design and content.

What's more, Google can help make sure you find and display the most relevant, best-performing referral ads on your site. Simply provide a few keywords to describe your site and your users' interests, and you'll see ads automatically displayed that perform best for your site. No more constant updating, rotating products, or guesswork.

As with our current Google referrals, you'll generate earnings when your visitors click through to an advertiser's site and complete an action defined by your advertisers, such as a sale or sign-up. Because these actions are often more involved than a simple click or impression, advertisers pay more for these referrals, which can translate into higher earnings for your site.

While we plan to open this up to all publishers in the near future, this update is currently only available on a limited basis as part of our beta test. If you are interested in being one of our beta testers, please visit the referrals beta site (http://www.google.com/ads/adsense/referrals/index.html#utm_source=asblog03_20&utm_medium=blog) and sign up.

Posted by Dan Friedman - AdSense Product Marketing

也就是說,Google 除了放ppc廣告在你網站上,也提供了ppl廣告,網主們不但可選擇自己喜歡的廣告,運用得當的話,收入將會比adsense 多很多.目前尚在測試階段,有興趣的朋友不妨試試.

2007-03-21, 11:37 AM
這一類的新聞在Adsnse官方Blog -Inside AdSense (http://adsense.blogspot.com/)都會發佈,只要訂閱它們也會發email給你唷!


這個推薦產品beta主要是可以讓你選廣告主的產品來推薦,不單單只是Google現有的幾個推薦產品(AdSesne, AdWords, Firefox, Pack),推薦的收益是Pay Per Action,只有網友點擊該廣告並完成廣告主指定的動作(購買產品、安裝軟體、註冊....)才算你的收益。

2007-03-21, 12:06 PM
>As with our current Google referrals, you'll generate earnings when your visitors click through to an advertiser's site and complete an action defined by your advertisers, such as a sale or sign-up.

PPL = Pay per lead =cost per action = CPA

說它是Pay Per Action,當然行得通,只是說法不同罷了:)
以PPC來說,如果網站的內容與廣告搭配得當(一樣的廣告在不同的網站會有不同的CPC), 將會有最大收益
但是如果某個特定網頁,cpc少得可憐的情況下,ppl 將是最佳選擇(以moderclick 來說,一個lead 就可得$1-50 不等,因為註冊等動作無須訪客出錢,Convertion rate 極高(有的達50%),至於哪一種比較好,當然是使用者自己做決定了.(不然,我不會說它是Alternative!)

2007-03-21, 01:38 PM
(Please be aware that we're only able to provide English support for the referrals feature at this time.)

申請時, 看到這一句

2007-03-21, 02:20 PM
(Please be aware that we're only able to provide English support for the referrals feature at this time.)

申請時, 看到這一句

In which locations is the referrals beta test available?
For the time being, the referrals beta test is currently available only to English-speaking publishers located in the United States. We hope to open the test up to other locations and languages soon.


2007-03-21, 02:46 PM
不過, 至少這表示. 在台灣的 AdSense 將來還會有不小的改進空間.

2007-03-21, 03:55 PM
AdSense referrals beta按行為付費(Pay-Per-Action)廣告 (http://adsense-tw.com/archives/228)

繁體中文的AdSense for content於去年12月才正式支援,如果這個PPA廣告在美國測式運作良好,不知道要等到什麼時候才會支援台灣繁體中文的網站發佈者。如果現在繁中的 AFC廣告帶給Google的收益不好的話,那想要這個PPA廣告支援繁中可能就是遙遙無期了。

2007-03-21, 04:09 PM

2007-03-21, 04:10 PM
~pighead 我沒注意到只有usa網站才能申請,我用繁體中文申請,不會過了!:XD:

2007-03-21, 07:17 PM
依我有限的見解,PPA 與 PPC 是各有利弊, 我覺得在廣告商還沒有完全"開竅" 前,ppc 比起ppa 有絕對的優勢.

2007-03-22, 01:04 AM
用ppc click跟 transaction沒有直接關連。估計google checkout是配合PPA推出的。
網路廣告剛開始時先是pp impression -> ppc -> pp sale